Credit cards are a great tool to maintain financial stability. Most people you it to build a good credit score, while some use it for travel purposes. However, there are many people who use credit cards for shopping purposes. Using a credit card for shopping is in trend, as it offers you back with tons of benefits in reward points or cash back. With this, many credit card agencies and banks have launched so many credit cards offering great benefits every time you use them for shopping. But the real problem begins from here. While there are so many credit cards for shopping, it becomes difficult and time-consuming to select the best credit card. Therefore, we are here with the top five credit cards for shopping purposes in India.
Amazon Pay ICICI Bank Credit Card:
As we all love shopping from Amazon, the ICICI Bank in partnership with Amazon launched a co-branded card, the Amazon Pay ICICI Credit card. The card offers tons of benefits every time you shop from amazon. For prime members, the card offers 5% cashback on all purchases at Amazon and 3% cash back for non-Prime members. Also, it offers additional cashback on amazon and for other purchase payments as well. You also get other benefits with the card such as dining and fuel surcharge waiver benefits.
Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card:
The Axis bank in partnership with Flipkart launched a co-branded card for Flipkart lovers, the Flipkart Axis credit card. As a welcome gift, the card offers benefits worth Rs. 1,100 and offers from Myntra and Swiggy. Apart from that, the card offers 5% cashback every time you shop from Flipkart and Myntra. Also, you can get 4% cashback for transactions made on Swiggy, Uber, and more. Moreover, you also get complimentary domestic airport lounge access as well. To learn more, check Flipkart Axis credit card's review Here.
SBI SimplyCLICK Credit Card:
The SBI SimplyCLICK Credit card is an entry-level card, which offers benefits every time you shop. The card offers a very strong reward rate, as you can get 10X Reward points on online spending for transactions made on Amazon, BookMyShow, and more. Moreover, it offers 5X reward points on all other spending.
HSBC Cashback Credit Card:
The HSBC Cashback Credit Card is a great option as it offers cashback on every spend. With this card, you get 5% cashback up to Rs. 250 on Amazon, 1.5% cashback on all online transactions, and 1% cashback on all other transactions. Also, it offers discount offers on Amazon and Swiggy and exciting offers on MakeMyTrip, Croma, and much more.
Know more about HSBC Cashback Credit Card Here
HDFC Bank Millennia Credit card:
The HDFC Millennia Credit card is regarded as a premium shopping credit card. The card offers 5% cashback every time you shop from Amazon and Flipkart and 1% cashback on other spending. Moreover, it offers complimentary Dineout passport membership for 3 months. You can also enjoy complimentary domestic lounge access with this card.
Additional Reading: 5 Best Credit Cards For International Travel In India